Bay & Bloor : (416) 972-0337 | Yonge & Eglinton : (416) 489-0337



Are you looking for a discreet way to restore a youthful glow? Consider Forma skin tightening at Bellair Laser Clinic. As a laser technician, many of our clients want to feel confident in their skin again. Forma addresses sagging through gradual, gentle treatments that capitalize on your skin’s natural renewal process. The results are fresh yet realistic—just enough of a change to rekindle vitality without seeming artificial. Best of all, no lengthy downtime means you can return to your life quickly. If subtle but noticeable rejuvenation sounds appealing, book a consultation to learn more about Forma’s customized approach.
It may be just what you need to rediscover your best self.

What Makes Forma at Bellair Different?

Precision and Comfort: With Forma’s intelligent temperature control, every session is safe, comfortable, and effective.
Expertise You Can Trust: Our team isn’t just trained in the latest techniques—we tailor each treatment to your skin type and goals, ensuring personalized care that makes a difference.
Visible and Lasting Results: Begin to see the glow immediately. As your body ramps up its natural collagen production, these results last and improve over time

Payment Options:

We accept all major credit cards for your convenience. Additionally, we offer flexible financing options through Beautifi. Take advantage of our financing solutions and apply now to make your purchase even more manageable.

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1 Session, 3 Sessions, 6 Sessions